Top 64 Pattern - Merchant & Mills
Inspired by the classic fisherman's top, this feminine version is more than a jumper but less than a jacket.
All decorative top stitching is optional.
All seam allowances are 1.5cm unless otherwise stated.
Skill level - beginner.
Inspired by the classic fisherman's top, this feminine version is more than a jumper but less than a jacket.
All decorative top stitching is optional.
All seam allowances are 1.5cm unless otherwise stated.
Skill level - beginner.

Wide Bow Scissors

1 oz Dressmaking Pins

Finest Sewing Needles
Inspired by the classic fisherman's top, this feminine version is more than a jumper but less than a jacket.
All decorative top stitching is optional.
All seam allowances are 1.5cm unless otherwise stated.
Skill level - beginner.